24 Mart 2009 Salı

hiper tansiyon için acupressure

Alternatif ve Tamamlayıcı Telafiler Hipertansiyon için

Acupressure for Hypertension Hipertansiyon için Acupressure

Acupressure is useful as a Complementary therapy in managing hypertension. Acupressure hipertansiyon yöneten bir Tamamlayıcı tedavi olarak yararlıdır.

In traditional Oriental medicine, hypertension is said to be intimately connected with blockages in the Liver meridian. The following points are useful for managing acupressure: Geleneksel Oriental in Medicine, hipertansiyon yakından Karaciğer öğlen de tıkanmalar bağlantılı olduğu söyleniyor. Aşağıdaki noktaları acupressure yönetmek için faydalıdır:

Gb 20, Li 11, Ht 3, St 36, Lv 3, and Kd 1 Gb 20, Li 11, HT 3, St 36, LV 3 ve Kd 1

Caution: If blood pressure exceeds 200/100, do not do acupressure at all. Dikkat: Eğer tansiyon 200/100 aşarsa, acupressure hiç yapmadığınız.

1. 1. (Gb 20, Wind Pool) (20 Gb, Rüzgar Havuzu)

How To Locate This point: Place your thumbs on your earlobes. Nasıl bu noktaya bulun için: earlobes üzerinde beceriksizdir yerleştirin. Slide them back toward the center of your neck. Boynun ortasına doğru onları geri kaydırın. Now your thumbs will be approximately one thumb width above the hairline of your neck. Şimdi etmemek için boyun ve saç çizgisi üzerinde yaklaşık bir parmak genişliğinde olacak. Your thumbs will fall into a depression on either side of the vertebra of your neck, at the base of the skull. Sizin etmemek için boyun ve omur her iki tarafında bir depresyon içine, kafatası ve üssünde düşecek. (If you slowly bend your head forward and then back again, you will be able to identify these depressions easily.) Wind Pool (Gb 20) is located in these depressions. Eğer yavaş yavaş ileriye doğru ve sonra tekrar başını viraj (kolayca bu depressions tanımlamak mümkün olacaktır.) Rüzgar Havuzu (GB 20) Bu depressions bulunur.

How To Apply Pressure: Use the thumbs to apply medium to firm pressure, and hold for a minute or even more. Nasıl Uygula'yı Basınç: orta firma baskı uygulamak için, beceriksizdir kullanın ve bir dakika ya da daha fazla tutun. Breathe deeply and build up and release pressure gradually. Derin nefes al ve oluşturmak ve kademeli basınç serbest bırakın.

Gb 20 is helpful in relieving headaches and colds, neck stiffness and pain, and helps to regulate the internal movement of energy. Gb 20 baş ağrısı ve soğuk algınlığı, boyun sertliği ve ağrı rahatlatma olarak yararlı ve enerji iç dolaşımı düzenlemek için yardımcı olur.

2. 2. Li 11 and Ht 3 Li 11 ve HT 3

How To Locate Points: To locate Li 11, hold your arm in front of your chest, as if you were holding a cup in your hand. Nasıl bulun Puan için: Göğsünü önünde kolunu tutun, sanki elinize bir bardak tutarak vardı Li 11 bulmak için. The point is at the outside end of the crease on your arm at the elbow joint. Nokta Kolunu üzerindeki pli ve dışında sonunda dirsek ortak bulunuyor.

To find Ht 3 (Lesser Sea), hold your palms facing up. Için avuç içi yukarı bakacak tutun HT 3 (Küçük Deniz) bulmak için. From Li 11 slide your fingers across the elbow crease until you feel the bony projection of the outside of your funny bone. Li 11 slayt From dirsek pli arasında parmakları kadar size komik kemik dış ve kemikli projeksiyon hissediyorum. Just above this bony projection is a natural depression. Bu kemiksi projeksiyon Yukarıdaki doğal depresyon olduğunu. Ht 3 is in this depression. HT 3 Bu depresyon içinde.

Applying Pressure: Place your thumb on Ht 3 and your middle finger on Li 11 and apply strong pressure for about a minute. Uygulama Basıncı: HT 3 ve parmak Yeri Li 11 üzerinde orta parmak ve güçlü bir baskı uygulamak bir dakika hakkında.

3. 3. (St 36, Three Mile Foot) (St 36, Three Mile Ayak)

St 36 is the most effective point to rejuvenate the ch'i and blood. St 36 ch'i ve kan yenilemek için en etkili nokta. The combination of Li 11 and St 36 is used extensively to treat hypertension. Li 11 kombinasyonu ve St 36 kapsamlı hipertansiyon tedavisinde kullanılır.

How To Locate St 36: This point is located four finger widths below the lower border of the kneecap and one finger width off the shin bone to the outside. Nasıl bulun St 36 için: Bu nokta dizkapağı ile dışarısı için incik kemiği kapalı bir parmak genişliğinde alt sınırının altında dört parmak genişliği yer almaktadır. Flex your foot up and down; you will feel the muscle move under your fingers if you are on St 36. Eğer St 36 on Flex için ayak yukarı ve aşağı; sizin parmaklarınız altında kas hareket hissedeceksiniz.

Applying Pressure: Apply moderate to firm pressure on St 36. Uygulama Basıncı: St 36 üzerinde firma baskısı ılımlı uygulayın. Hold the pressure for one minute. Bir dakika basınç tutun. This point can also be stimulated either with the heel of your opposite foot, or with your fingers. Bu nokta da ya ters ayak ya da parmakları ile topuk ile teşvik edilebilir.

4. 4. (Lv 3, Bigger Rushing) (LV 3, Daha acele)

Traditional Oriental medicine practitioners believe that hypertension is intimately connected with blockages in the liver meridian. Geleneksel Oriental tıp uygulayıcıları da hipertansiyon yakından karaciğer öğlen de tıkanmalar bağlı olduğuna inanıyoruz. Lv 3 exerts a powerful, beneficial influence on all aspects of the body associated with the liver meridian. LV 3 organ karaciğer zirve ile ilgili tüm konularda güçlü, yararlı etkisi exerts.

How To Locate Lv 3: This point is located on the top of your foot, between the big toe and second toe. Nasıl bulun LV 3: Bu nokta için ayak üst, en ayak başparmağı ve ikinci parmak arasında yer alır.

Start at the web margin of skin between the two toes. Iki ayak parmaklarında arasında cilt web marjı Başlangıç. Now slide your index finger up between the bones until you feel a depression about 1/2 inch up. Şimdi, siz 1 hakkında bir depresyon hissediyorum endeksinizi kemikleri arasındaki kadar parmak / 2 inç kadar kaydırın.

Applying Pressure: Using your index finger, press between the bones. Basınç Uygulama: endeksinizi parmak, kemikleri arasında basın kullanma. Start with light pressure. Hafif baskı ile başlayın. Increase the pressure gradually as much as you can tolerate or until you are using moderate to firm pressure. Kademeli kadar veya tolere edebilirsiniz kadar firma baskısı ılımlı kullanıyorsanız basınç artırın. Press for about 1 minute. Basın yaklaşık 1 dakika.

5. 5. (Kd 1, Bubbling Spring) (Kd 1, fokurdayan Bahar)

How to Locate Point: Kd 1 is on the sole of the foot between the second and third toe bone, two thirds of the distance from the heel to the base of the second toe. Nasıl bulun Nokta için: Kd 1, ikinci ve üçüncü parmak kemiği arasındaki tek ayağı üzerinde, ikinci ayak parmağı temelini için topuk olan mesafeyi üçte ikisi. It's just below the ball of the foot. Bu ayağın topu sadece Aşağıdaki.

Applying Pressure: Press firmly on the point for about a minute. Basınç uygulamak için: nokta sıkıca için bir dakika hakkında.


This channel starts from the heart, comes out of the cardiac system (the large vessels connecting with other visoera and descends through the diaphragm to connect with the small intestine.
The branch of the channel sprouts from the cardiac system, runs upwards along the side of the throat,and joins the ocular connectors (the structures connecting the eyeball with the brain, including blood vessels and optic nerves).
The original channel ascends to the axilla. And then it travels along the posterior border of the medial aspect of the upper arm, passes behind the Lung Channel of Hand-Taiyin and the Pericardium Channel of Hand-Jueyin. Goes downwards and reaches the cubital fossa. It continues to run along the posterior border of the little finger reaches the tip (Point Shaochon, HT9), and finally connects with the Small Intestine Channel of Hand-Taiyane.

Location: With the elbow flexed, at the midpoint of the line connecting the medial end of the cubltal crease and the medial epicondyle of the humerus.
Indications: Precordial pain, contracion and numbness of the upper limb, tremor of the hand, scrofula, pain in the axillary and hypochondriac region.
Method: Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-1.0 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.
Regional anatomy
Vasculature: The basilic vein, the inferior ulnar collateral artery, the ulnar recurrent artery and vein.
Innervation: The medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve.

The lung Meridian picture of Shaohai(HT3) Acupoint
The lung Meridian picture of Shaohai(HT3) Acupoint
Body surface picture of Shaohai(HT3) Acupoint
Body surface picture of Shaohai(HT3) Acupoint
Anatomy picture of Shaohai(HT3) Acupoint Anatomy picture of Shaohai(HT3) Acupoint
Section picture of Shaohai(HT3) Acupoint Section picture of Shaohai(HT3) Acupoint


liver32 liver3 3


This channel starts from the tip of the radial side of the index (Point Shangyang, LI1). It runs upwards along the radial side of the index and passes between the ossa metacarpalia I and 1I, goes into the depression between the tendons of m.extensor pollicis longus and brevis, then along the antero-lateral aspect of the forearm to the lateral side of the elbow (Point Quchi, LIll). Along the anterior border of the lateral side of the upper arm, it ascends to the highest point of the shoulder (Point Jianyu, LI15), and then goes along the anterior border of the acromion up to 7th cervical vertebra (Point Dazhui, DU14), from where it comes downwards into the supraclavicular fossa and communicates with the lung. Descending through the diaphragm, it enters its pertaining organ, the large intestine.
The branch channel from the supraclavicular fossa runs upwards to the neck, passes through the cheek, and enters into the lower teeth and gum. Then it curves round the lips and meets at Point Renzhong(DU26), or philtrum,thevertical groove on the mid-line of the upper lip. From there the channel ofthe left side turns right, while the right side channel turns left. They go upwards to both sides of the wings of the nose (Point Yingxiang, LI20) and connect with the Stomach Channel of Foot-Yangming.

Location: With the elbow flexed, at the lateral end of the cubital crease, atthe midpoint of the line connecting Chize(LU5) and external humeral epicondyle.
Indications: Sore-throat, toothache, conjunctival congestion and ophthalmalgia, rubella, scrofula, paralysis of the arm, abdominal pain accompanied with vomiting and diarrhea, fever.
Method: Puncture perpendicularly 1.0-1.5 inches. Moxibustion is applicable,
Regional anatomy
Vasculature: The branches of the radial recurrent artery and vein.
Innervation: The posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve; deeper, on the medial side, the radial nerve.

The lung Meridian picture of Quchi(LI11) Acupoint
The lung Meridian picture of Quchi(LI11) Acupoint
Body surface picture of Quchi(LI11) Acupoint
Body surface picture of Quchi(LI11) Acupoint
Anatomy picture of Quchi(LI11) Acupoint Anatomy picture of Quchi(LI11) Acupoint
Section picture of Quchi(LI11) Acupoint Section picture of Quchi(LI11) Acupoint

.LI11 dot

LI11 hold



This channel starts from the side of the nose (Point Yingxiang LI20), and ascends to the root of the nose,meeting the Urinary Bladder Channel (at Point Jingming, BL1 ). Then it descends along the lateral side of the nose and enters into the upper gum. Emerging and curving round the lips, it passes downwards and connects with the symmetrical channel at Point Chengjiang(RN24) in the sulcus mentolabiabialis. And it runs along the posterior-inferior side of the parotid gland, through Point Daying(ST5), and Point Jiaehe(ST6) in succession, and then ascends in front of the ear. through Point Shangguan (GB3), the point of the Gall Bladder Channel of Foot-Shaoyang. And finally, it runs along the hairline and reaches the forehead (Point Touwei, ST8).
One of its branches sprouts in front of Daying(ST5), descends to Renying(ST9), and goes along the throat into the supraclavicular fossa. From there it descends through the diaphragm, enters into its pertaining organ, the stomach, and communicates with the spleen.
A straight branch from the supraclavicular fossa descends to the medial border of the papilla mammae. Then it makes its descent along the side of the umbilicus and enters into Point Qiehong(ST30).
One of the branches starting from the pylorus descends through the abdominal cavity, and joins me straight branch at Point Qichong(ST30). From there it descends through Point Biguan(ST31), Futu(ST35), to the knee.Along the anterolateral aspect of the tibia, it goes towards the dorsum of the foot, and then to the lateral side of the tip of the second toe (Point Lidui, ST45).
Another branch sprouting from the region 3 individual cun below the genu(Point Zusanli, ST36), descends to the lateral side of the middle toe.
The branch sprouting from the dorsum o{ the foot (Point Chongyang, ST42)descends into the medial margin of the hallux, and through its tip (Point Yinbai, SP1), connects with the Spleen Channel of Foot-Taiyin.

Location:On the anterior lateral side of the leg,3 cnu below Dubi(ST35) ,one finger breadth (middle finger)from the anterior crest of the tibia.
Indicatons:Gastric pain ,abdominal disternsion,vomiting,diarrhea,dysentery,emaciation due to general deficiency,constipation,acute appendictitis,numbnessand pain of the lower extremities,edema,manic-depressive psychosis.
Method:Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-1.2 inches. Moxibustion is applicable.
Regional anatomy
Vasculature: The anterior tibial artery and vein.
Innervation: Superficially, the lateral sural cutaneous nerve and the cutaneous
branch of the saphenous nerve; deeper,the deep peroneal nerve.

The lung Meridian picture of Zusanli(ST36) Acupoint
The lung Meridian picture of Zusanli(ST36) Acupoint
Body surface picture of Zusanli(ST36) Acupoint
Body surface picture of Zusanli(ST36) Acupoint
Anatomy picture of Zusanli(ST36) Acupoint Anatomy picture of Zusanli(ST36) Acupoint
Section picture of Zusanli(ST36) Acupoint Section picture of Zusanli(ST36) Acupoint


Step 4

Briskly rub St 36: Place your right heel on the Three Mile point (St 36) of your left leg and briskly rub it up and down on the outside of your shinbone, just below your knee. After one minute, do the same on the other side.



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